
KuukuA Legal Consulting has a leading and broad commercial practice covering corporate, employment, commercial disputes, data protection, intellectual property, commercial contracts, and financial services. As commercial issues often cut across multiple areas of law we can offer joined-up, expert advice across all the relevant areas.

The firm is experienced in offering advice in both the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) contexts, international and domestic, and has a reputation for providing clear, pragmatic advice on complex and often business-critical issues.


Whether in relation to IT, technology or other business-process or service-delivery outsourcing, we have specific expertise in drafting outsourcing agreements and advising in relation to all phases of the outsourcing life cycle, from pre-procurement planning, tender stage and initial contract negotiations, through to project implementation, dispute resolution and exit management. 

Bringing in a third party to perform a business function will always create risks in terms of suitability of the outsourced service provider, performance and charging levels, and organisational “fit”, in addition to all other issues arising in respect of the transitional elements of the outsourcing.

Procurement principles and processes, particularly in the public sector, are strict and intricate, and specialist advice is required to ensure legal compliance. Not only are we experts in drafting and negotiating the contracts being let, our team of specialists can guide you through the entire process; from pre-market engagement, formulation of the invitation to tender to the appointment of the new supplier.

As a client you will have immediate access to our specialists in other areas of law, such as employment (especially important for TUPE considerations), data protection, intellectual property and governance. This gives you the reassurance that every legal element of outsourcing and procurement is taken care of both during the process and long after the contracts have been signed.

Joint Ventures & Collaborations

Whether as a core business activity, or as a means of accessing a new market in Ghana or overseas, we regularly advise on collaboration and co-operation agreements and contractual joint-ventures.  Having a well-defined project scope is critical, coupled with a clear sense of the required governance for that project, and the underpinning contract is then the place to establish the clear parameters intended to allow the collaboration to work and the project to flourish.

Collaborations bring into play a wide-range of legal issues, spanning intellectual property, employment, property, tax and financing and governance. We are adept at building focused and efficient teams of experts.

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